Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2021
Spring Graduation 2020
Spring Graduation 2020
Spring Graduation 2020
Spring Graduation 2020
Spring Graduation 2020
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Career Day 2021
Mental Health

Dear Parent / Guardian,
School staff are working to teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called Sandy Hook Promise to teach our students about this difficult topic and encourage them to seek help.  This presentation is for all WEOP students. Your student will receive the presentation during their instruction time.
*We will be discussing how to recognize warning signs and threats to potential violence and the importance of telling a **trusted adult.  *Students will participate in the Say Something training, lessons and activities throughout the year that will promote three important steps
* *
• Look for signs
• Act immediately
• Say something
*Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the video, students will have the opportunity to meet with qualified school staff for support if requested and/or needed.  
We encourage you to visit sandyhookpromise.org
 **for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn. *
* *
*Dates to be aware of: *
April 10th - class presentation
*April 8th  @ 5:30pm- Parent Sandy Hook Promise Information Night:  (available in English & Spanish) via Zoom.  *
*Please access the link to join the meeting via parent square *


If you have any questions or concerns about your child's participation in this program please attend our informational Sandy Hook Promise Information Night or contact Isela Tenorio, LCSW at 559-564-3308 ext.4411.rio, LCSW at 559-564-3308 ext.4411.